Is it a humid air really harmful for computer parts?

Ok, Simple question in the title.

I asked this because recently i got my primary gaming rig totally died, my server MOBO fried by a short circuit, and my laptop sometimes won't boot and charge, but if it wants to boot got my keyboard and my touchpad unresponsive (getting weird unwanted characters when typing on keyboard and touchpad not responding), both my monitor are also died!

This problem occurred since beginning of January 2017, which is a heavy rain season in my country. This season lasts from January to March.

Now, I'm really confused and need advice to minimize damage to my another electronics device.
And is it possible for "humidity to kill computer"?

Any opinions and answers are highly appreciated.
Surprisingly a lot of things list a storage and operational spec for humidity in their spec sheets, but I think the only real killer is condensate if you bring cold computer parts indoors to a warm place then try to use them while they are still wet.

I have actually had a computer mounted outdoors for 15 years and it is frequently >90% humidity here. First it was a Pentium 4 for 7 years and currently a C2Q for the last 8. All of the steel parts are rusty but both systems still are working today so I can say corrosion just hasn't been an issue.

The only issues were one hard drive died and was replaced under warranty, plus a frozen capacitor in one power supply exploded when I attempted to use it in subfreezing weather. I stopped booting the system from dead cold when it's below 20F (either don't use it then or else leave it running) and the replacement power supply still works fine. In fact I recapped the original supply and it is working too.

So the short answer is NO and if anything, humidity helps to keep the static down. Your problem sounds more like bad mains power is killing your equipment.