6600k/6700k or 4690k/4790k


Dec 17, 2016
I'm upgrading from an FX-8370 that seems to be bottlenecking my GPU. In multiple games my frames drop from 80+ to the low 30s while showing the CPU usuage at %100. I have a Fury X, and play at 4K resolution in all games that I play. These games include GTA V, Elite Dangerous, Rainbow Six: Siege, and many more. I eventually want to crossfire with another Fury X, but I'm not sure if the processors above would bottleneck the GPUs. A buddy of mine is willing to sell me his 1150 motherboard with ram at a steal, and I'd be able to piece the whole system together for $200 less than it would be to put together a new Skylake build. Would either the 4690k or 4790k bottleneck me at all, or should I jus suck it up and go with the newer Kabylake/Skylake processors?