What parts should I upgrade first in my PC?


Jan 29, 2017
I'm kinda feelin' an upgrade happening soon. However, I'm not sure which part / parts I should upgrade first. I am on a low budget, maybe ~$150. Specs listed

CPU: AMD A6 6400k with stock cooler
Motherboard: Micro ATX MSI A55M-E33 with FM2 socket
GPU: PNY GTX 750 (not Ti)
RAM: 16GB, I have 32GB available but there's not enough RAM sockets in the motherboard
Hard Drives: One 1TB 5400RPM hard drive for games, plus a 320GB 7200RPM hard drive for OS
PSU: 600w Sentey
Monitor: old 1280x1024 screen

Running GTA V at low settings, I get about 20FPS but games like CS:GO and TF2 are no problem. Thanks in advance
Don't buy anything. When you have about $250-$300 swap the CPU/Motherboard/RAM for an intel i5 or i3 setup with DDR4 or when the new AMD CPUs come out. Your power supply is also bad quality, that should be changed soon as you can do it, it's very likely about a 3-400 watt power supply, not a 600 watt one. Look at the 12V rail amps, multiply that by 12, that is about what your real wattage is. Those cheap power supplies greatly overstate their power ratings.

I may swap out the power supply first, it's the main thing that keeps your whole system working, if it burns out, you can not only lose the power supply but any part attached to it.

This is a good cheap unit...
Don't buy anything. When you have about $250-$300 swap the CPU/Motherboard/RAM for an intel i5 or i3 setup with DDR4 or when the new AMD CPUs come out. Your power supply is also bad quality, that should be changed soon as you can do it, it's very likely about a 3-400 watt power supply, not a 600 watt one. Look at the 12V rail amps, multiply that by 12, that is about what your real wattage is. Those cheap power supplies greatly overstate their power ratings.

I may swap out the power supply first, it's the main thing that keeps your whole system working, if it burns out, you can not only lose the power supply but any part attached to it.

This is a good cheap unit, https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139147&cm_re=Corsair_CXM-_-17-139-147-_-Product $40 after rebate. Not very good, but good and at least a level or two over what you have now.

After that you can upgrade the video card if you want, but it won't help you much without a CPU upgrade at some point. The 1050 Ti will fit in your budget. RX 470 is also good and this one is at a good price https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814137076&cm_re=rx_470-_-14-137-076-_-Product has a $30 rebate right now.
