Is a slightly older i7 better than a newer i3 or i5?


Feb 1, 2017
I am planning to build my first PC, but I am not quite sure what is better out of something like an i7 3770K or 4770K compared to an i3 7350K or i5 7600K. The purpose of this CPU would purely be for gaming and going on YouTube. Sorry if this sounds stupid, I am new to PCs. Will these CPUs perform differently on different games and applications? Let's say that the apps being run are GTA 5, Need for Speed 2015, Watchdogs 2, Just Cause 3, F1 2014/15/16 and Forza 6/Horizon 3 with no other applications open at the same time. If the i7 3770K or 4770K were to be paired with a GTX 1050/TI would it be a bottleneck compared to pairing the i3 7350K or i5 7600K with a GTX 1050/TI.