Intel i7 4790k quad core processor 4ghz problems?


Nov 27, 2014
Hello! So my current setup is

2 nvidia Hybrid GTX 980 Ti gpu's

Intel i7 4790k quad core processor 4ghz

32GB of RAM

1200 watt power supply

Motherboard is gigabyte gaming X97 G1 (I believe if it's in correct I would have to look it up again it's something along those lines)

CPU Liquid cooler: corsair h100i V2

The problem I'm having is the processor maxes at 100% usage and it gets really annoying because my game starts to drop frames. On some games like CS:GO it uses 40-50 percent of my CPU and on games like the binding of Isaac or Quiplash it will use 20-25 percent which seems a little high especially since my laptop can run those games better... for those types of games I wouldn't expect that high of CPU usage does anyone have any fixes for this processor that doesn't involve changing the affinity of the program? Oh and figured I would also throw in, no nothing on my computer is overclocked.
Well you have 2 GPU's so CPU need's to keep up with them. Nothing wrong there. I dont know why you say that 50% or 25% is high usage, games still need to use CPU for the work that GPU cant do. 50% is not high usage.
If you want more out of your 4790k, you should overclock it for more performance.


Well you have 2 GPU's so CPU need's to keep up with them. Nothing wrong there. I dont know why you say that 50% or 25% is high usage, games still need to use CPU for the work that GPU cant do. 50% is not high usage.
If you want more out of your 4790k, you should overclock it for more performance.