GTX 1070 vs RX 480 (with Vega coming)


Jan 3, 2017

I'd like to ask for your inputs whether I should buy a GTX 1070 or RX 480 now. I'll be gaming mostly on 1080p and I'd like max settings on the latest and upcoming games. I have a budget up to GTX 1070 but some say it is too much for 1080p. I'd like to have that can last me for around 2-3 years. I may be also be getting VR later this year or next year. So should I just buy a GTX 1070, RX 480, or wait for Vega to see if it can compete with GTX 1070 with better performance and price? I'm just worried that if I buy GTX 1070 now and Vega comes out with a better performance and price. Also if maybe RX 480 is enough since Vega I think is more than enough for 1080p. My processor by the way is i5-3570 non K. Thanks!
if you have 1080p@60Hz monitor, you will be good with RX 480 4GB (no need for 8GB for 1080p, actually for anything less than 4K which is out of the league for this card anyway) for 2-3 years.
Vega will come out towards summer. As well as new cards from Nvidia.
there is always something newer, better, cheaper around the corner.
if you want to wait 4-8 months for the new cards, you are welcome.
otherwise you can start gaming today for 200$ :)


Nov 14, 2016
The 480 and 1060 are perfect for 1080p, you can max out pretty much every game expect extreme cases of bad optimization like the new deus ex. I would safely bet on them running games on high/medium-high quality in 2-3 years.

The gtx 1070 is perfect for 1440p 60fps+ gameplay and some consider it overkill for 1080p. On 1080p I would bet the 1070 can hold up ultra/very high 3 years from now (that's a safe bet I'd say).

The main question is: do you mind waiting for the Vega? If not, consider waiting. But from my experience and from what I've seen the 1070 will hold up extremely well on 1080p.
- Answering your question: I think with a RX 480 you're ok. Plenty fine @ 1080p. Meanwhile the GTX 1070 is a better card , like you said, it's a overkill for 1080p.

Now, you (or i either) don't know which games will be released. I think the best choice is enjoy meanwhile the card is 'alive' with the games, and when you card will not be able to play with a nice graphics some games, then start to think in upgrading.

- Now, something to add: the choice depends your system. You cannot put a GTX 1070 with a Athlon processor (just an example) because it will bottleneck.
if you have 1080p@60Hz monitor, you will be good with RX 480 4GB (no need for 8GB for 1080p, actually for anything less than 4K which is out of the league for this card anyway) for 2-3 years.
Vega will come out towards summer. As well as new cards from Nvidia.
there is always something newer, better, cheaper around the corner.
if you want to wait 4-8 months for the new cards, you are welcome.
otherwise you can start gaming today for 200$ :)


Jan 3, 2017

Thanks for your answer. My CPU is i5 3570 non K.

You're safe if you want to pick the GTX 1070 (without bottlenecking).

Now, about your answer, i would check RX 480 or GTX 1060. Wait is not recommended, because you will be always waiting the competence. You will be happy with any of the both choices i mentioned for a good time.
The RX480 can handle pretty much anything you throw at it @1080p - the 8Gb version is useful with games that provide humongous textures (Doom 2016 in Nightmare mode, Deus Ex in Very High/Ultra texture mode to cite a couple) provided you use its latest drivers. The 1060 is its direct competitor, that wins in DX11+GameWorks game but loses in DX12/Vulkan games. About the RX480, just be careful which version you're getting: the reference version is moderately noisy but rock solid, some others are more silent and/or faster but may fry sooner. Tom's France made a small roundup yesterday where the Asus Strix was the only one they deemed better than the reference version - all the others played fast and loose with power supply and/or component temperature.

The 1070 is overkill with that kind of screen size.