HELP! Trying to decide between two computers


Feb 16, 2017
Hello! I'm about to purchase my first desktop! I know a fair amount about PCs as I take a computing class however I'm stuck between these two:

(first PC)
(second PC)

The first PC has notably better specs (not too sure about the processor however), but I don't want spend the extra money on something I don't need.
I intend to use this PC for work and light gaming and would like to know if the second PC can run and handle everything perfectly. For work I'll mainly be using office, python/coding apps, SketchUp. For gaming I will only be playing LoL, CS:GO and maybe Minecraft.
Will the second PC be able to handle everything stated above? Or will the RAM/Processor not be sufficient?

I would really appreciate help with this, and some guidance as to which PC I should purchase, thanks! :)

P.S. If links are broken for anyone the specs are:
1st PC: 6GB DDR3 RAM, i5 2nd gen 2.5GHz (not sure which model sadly), 250GB HD
2nd PC: 4GB DDR3 RAM, i3-2130 3.4GHz, 250GB HD


Mar 4, 2016
the second one will be able to run the aforementioned tasks however, I would definitely recommend that you purchase a larger HDD or ssd for the PC. Finally, normally I wouldn't recommend buying a PC on eBay so definitely be sure they're a reliable seller.