Upgrading to RX 470 or GTX 1050i?


Feb 23, 2017
I'm planing on upgrading my old gpu MSI R7 260 1gb to a http://www.xfxforce.com/en-us/products/amd-radeon-rx-400-series/rx-470-rs-4gb-sf-triplex-rx-470p4sfd5 or https://www.msi.com/Graphics-card/GeForce-GTX-1050-Ti-4GT-OC.html#hero-overview or http://www.palit.com/palit/vgapro.php?id=2719&lang=en&pn=NE5105T018G1-1070F&tab=ov . Which one should I get? My current component's are: CPU FX-8320 not OC, Kingston 8gb 1866MHz RAM, Asus M5A78L-M/USB3 mobo and a LC-Power 500W LC500H-12 V2.2 12CM FAN. All three cards are at my budget maximum and I can't get an RX 470 with two fans since they are like 30$ more expensive in my country. My biggest concern is my PSU. I'm absolutely sure that it can handle a 1050ti but not sure about RX 470. Note that I'll buy new PSU at start of March so will it run my new GPU till then.
RX 470 will beat the 1050Ti in performance (except power consumption/heat). Definitely get the RX 470 if you want better gaming experience - but - I'd recommend getting a better-quality PSU (a 450W PSU of GOOD quality is more than enough, but if you can find a 500W-550W with a small price difference, you can get that as well). I'd suggest getting a Seasonic PSU such as the G-450 (SSR-450RM) or the S12G-450 (SSR-450RT). Your total power draw would only be in the mid-200s to low-300s.


Feb 23, 2017

Thanks for quick answer.
And I'm planingon buying new PSU somewhere around April(by mistake wrote in March in previous question). But will my current PSU be enough till then? What if I downcloack my CPU to around 3.2 gHz? Will that take pressure of from PSU. Plus take into the account that my current monitor's max. resolution is 1440x900(also buying new one in April).