Upgrading from a GTX 760- Should I get GTX 1060 or GTX 1070


May 18, 2014
I have an i5-6500 and I plan to play games at 1080p and 60hz.

Currently I play Battlefield 4, Battlefield 1, Rainbow Six: Siege, GTA V, and Planetside 2.

Which would be the better purchase? To me the 1060 would be better because it meets my needs and is a good $100 cheaper, but the 1070 will be much more future proof and capable of 1440p @ 60fps or 1080p @ 120/144fps, therefore I will have more options in case I want to invest in a nicer monitor. Any advice or opinions are welcome.
If you have in plans to upgrade sooner the monitor, then pick the GTX 1070, else, just pick an GTX 1060, and when the new cards are on the market, pick another one. Each year nvidia/amd releases a new card, with great performance for less money than previous generation.
If you have in plans to upgrade sooner the monitor, then pick the GTX 1070, else, just pick an GTX 1060, and when the new cards are on the market, pick another one. Each year nvidia/amd releases a new card, with great performance for less money than previous generation.


Jan 31, 2011
I have a 970 and I have to cap bf1 at 60 fps @ 1080p ultra to have a smooth experience. If you have a 144hz monitor like me, go for the 1070, you'll need all the juice you can to max bf1. Although I'm not sure if it's my i5-4670k bottlenecking with bf or the 970.

If you are running 60hz 1080p then the 1060 is going to be perfect for you.