How to install NVidia driver without gaming elements?


Hey there

I have NVidia 1060 6gb graphic card by Gigabyte. I installed driver located here
This forced me to install NVidia Experience, some other gaming software. I dont play video games. I am not planning to have any games ever installed on this computer- I am building it for Audio editing. I am looking for just plain graphic driver, no "Game Ready" elements, no graphics monitoring, no overclocking, nothing needed.

Right now I have issue with Display ports and KVM switch. When computer turns on, it has black screen with light, then it starts blinking with long intervals, and then some time the picture comes, some time it stays black. Works better without KVM switch, but other computers work on that same port ok.

I need the driver to fix it- I hope it doing it because it works without driver. Thank you for your help.
heck you don't even need there audio works fine with out it native through windows 7 . all I install is the driver un check the rest even physix [unless you feel its needed ? ]

been some time that I installed a NVidia driver for all I know they may of taken away un checking a lot of things now ?? AMD did that crap with there gaming evolved crapware in some of there drivers [grayed out ] hmmmm.....

2ed why on earth would you go to Microsoft ??? go here and get your drivers from the manually select your driver drop down thing . [option 1 ]
First the link you gave goes to MS not Nvidia.

Second what you do is download the proper drivers from Nvidia. Then run them. It will extract them to a Nvidia folder on your C drive.

When the install comes up close it. Go to Device manager, find your video card, right click and go to update driver. Now browse to the Nvidia folder and find the Driver fold and select the drive. It will install JUST the drive and that is it.
heck you don't even need there audio works fine with out it native through windows 7 . all I install is the driver un check the rest even physix [unless you feel its needed ? ]

been some time that I installed a NVidia driver for all I know they may of taken away un checking a lot of things now ?? AMD did that crap with there gaming evolved crapware in some of there drivers [grayed out ] hmmmm.....

2ed why on earth would you go to Microsoft ??? go here and get your drivers from the manually select your driver drop down thing . [option 1 ]


Sorry for the wrong link- I had it in my "Copy". I installed everything once, but then had to reinstall Windows.
It still has Custom install with check/unchecked, but I dont know what good, what bed for it. Some time all elements tangled together- if I dont install Game Experience, it may be missing something. I dont know what does what and what essential and what is not. I know that I went to custom and I could not make decision on what to un-check and ended up installing what I thought was essential, but it was gaming tuning software for overclocking and NVidia experience.

So do you think the DP going in and out may be due to no driver not being installed?
for all my NVidia cards I only install the driver and uncheck everything else . all works fine and dandy , but in the end its all your own personal preference on what you want to do the less crapware = the less issues [opinion]

its not like if you change your mind and feel you need anything else all you got to do is run the installer and it will scan and present you with the items your missing and just check off what you need and it will install them on top of what you all ready got in