I dont know which to choose for 1080p gaming


Mar 7, 2017
I have birthday in next week t and i want to get a better graphic card than my old gtx 660 :)
I really like 1080p gaming and i wanted to get a graphic card that could go 1080p without any problems with lag on max settings
The problem is i cant choose between GTX 1060 and 1070, 1060 is cheaper and i could get something more for my birthday but 1070 is much better and around 65 fps in every game i have max settings 1080p. Is it worth taking the GTX 1070? Will it be able to go new games max settings 1080p in a few years? Fast help would be really appreciated! :)
The GTX 1070 can even play decently @1440p, so if you wanna max out any game @1080p with 60FPS now and later on, definitely go with the 1070.
Even tho we cannot tell the future, i don't believe that card will get outdated anytime soon.


The GTX 1070 can even play decently @1440p, so if you wanna max out any game @1080p with 60FPS now and later on, definitely go with the 1070.
Even tho we cannot tell the future, i don't believe that card will get outdated anytime soon.

You really want to make an informed decision. Money has a tendency to burn a hole in people's pockets. Only after it's gone does the reality of their choice settle in. Only then will they see if their money was spent(bad) or invested(good). As such we also want to make sure you are happy with your choice before the purchase. And, btw, thank you for stopping by and doing some homework. In order to answer your question effectively we need to know where our patient lives(the PC case) and a listing of his internals. We also need to know its PSU. Not until we can see its home clearly can we then suggest the best course of action so you can stretch your investment as much as possible without breaking a rubber band.

https://www.piriform.com/speccy/download can show you and us your parts list. Once open you can copy your Summary page and paste it into a response.

After that you can tell us your case and PSU's make and models.

I understand you want this QUICK but we need you to be happy with what you purchase.

What the heck. I game with this 1070 and now my PC is crashing. If your PSU isn't providing it enough power you will face issues.

I was expecting no less than **FPS at all times and usually more. I am getting significant drops in FPS. If your CPU isn't on par with your 1070 the 1070 won't be able to fully spread her wings.

A system needs balance.


Feb 12, 2017

My GTX 1070 runs the latest games on max settings 1080p at 100-144FPS I'd say get it for future proofing 1080p :p
But only If your system can handle it like the poster above stated. I can run RE7 at 140 frames on maxed settings.

Reminder: The GTX 1080Ti just came out so the GTX 1080 are dropping in price there's some below $500
maybe you can get a 1080 for 1080 gaming :lol: