i5 7600 good enough for multiasking?


Jul 31, 2015
I know its weird, but i like to watch livestreams and play games at the same time, Netflix also. I was wondering if an i5 7600 (non k) and 16gb ram would be enough to do that? Thanks.
It should be fine, depending on the game.
Generally the limiting factor in that situation would be the GPU (having a livestream fullscreen vs near fullscreen is also a big impact)
Adding on to Gam3r01's post:

If your getting FPS deductions, an easy way to fix that is to put the secondary monitor(s) on the IGPU instead of the discrete GPU. That way the IGPU handles all the load of video watching, while the dedicated GPU can focus entirely on gaming and 3d rendering.

The i5 7600 should be enough, as long as the games you play are not CPU intensive.