two graphics cards and a wii u ...


Mar 16, 2017
hopefully i'll have answered my own stupid question by the time you read this, but i'm not quite home in the game room yet and ready to solve this problem:

if both my cards are sli'd, can i hdmi just one into the 1080p tv (that i use as my monitor) - which has two hdmi inputs - then, also connect my nintendo console using the other hdmi, and expect that i will be utilizing both cards through a direct connection to only one card?

or will i need to utilize both hdmi inputs and both cards direct into the single "monitor?

it isn't possible to run a wii u through the motherboard ... ?

asus 2701e motherboard
tiwo 1070s sli
1080p tv two hdmi ports, 1 pin input.
a wii u

thanks all!
Your tv should allow you to select the input(cable, blu ray player, Roku, etc) so your computer will be one input, the Wii will be a separate input. Each will have its own HDMI port on the tv.


Mar 16, 2017
yeah ... sli connects both cards to act in concert - with then top-most card's hdmi port the only one you'd select to connect to a single monitor (or, in this case, a tv); and then the nintendo console takes the 2nd port on the back of tv.