Which one is better for GTX 1070


Mar 26, 2017
I'm not really good at this stuff and been searching for GTX 1070 then I decided to get one but i've seen 2kinds of people at this point

1.Don't get 1070 if you'll play with an 1080p monitor,because it doesn't work well with 1080p monitor.Get 1060

2.You can get 1070 and use it with an 1080p monitor.

As the Nvidia,they recommend 1070 with a 2K monitor.

But in these videos:



We can say that 1070 is working better with an 1080p monitor.

Please help me to decide.

in short the 1070 will work better on a 1080p monitor than a gtx 1060

nvidia recommends the 1070 for 2k bcs it has too much power that would just go to waste if used with a 1080p monitor BUT it will work well with it

its NOT not good enough its TOO good for it xD

i will use a gtx 1080 ti on a 1080p monitor and thats also not recommended by nvidia but i simply cant upgrade the gpu and the monitor in the same time xP
but i know it will work well on it

i would say go for the 1070 if you want one
you will be ready for a monitor upgrade or set for many years without needing a gpu upgrade ;)

not you

May 14, 2015
in short the 1070 will work better on a 1080p monitor than a gtx 1060

nvidia recommends the 1070 for 2k bcs it has too much power that would just go to waste if used with a 1080p monitor BUT it will work well with it

its NOT not good enough its TOO good for it xD

i will use a gtx 1080 ti on a 1080p monitor and thats also not recommended by nvidia but i simply cant upgrade the gpu and the monitor in the same time xP
but i know it will work well on it

i would say go for the 1070 if you want one
you will be ready for a monitor upgrade or set for many years without needing a gpu upgrade ;)

not you

May 14, 2015
it only works if your fps is high

so while if you run a 1080p60hz monitor 60fps is the max you need
if you have a 1080p144hz monitor you need more than 60fps or it will be same as playing on a 60hz monitor x)


also im gonna quietly put this benchmark over here gtx 1070 1080p this is a game where (unless tunring settings a bit lower) you wouldnt see any difference between the 60 and the 144hz monitor xD

BUT this is an extreme case the game is terribly optimized

not you

May 14, 2015
yes with some extreme settings and mods gta 5 maybe also that ark mentioned above
but just imagine ppl dont buy the gtx 1070 for 1080p so everybody in this situation gets much worse fps than you do so any game that the 1070 couldnt run well in 1080p would get fixed asap since almost nobody could run it xD

i would buy the ASUS MG248Q but note that i need a hdmi port and i love asus xD
I would advise anyone to look at the different kinds of monitors in person to see what's important to you. If you have a choice between a 1080p high refresh rate monitor, or maybe a 1440p 60hz monitor, don't make your choice without seeing them in action. Until you see it for yourself you'll never know what's really the right choice for you.

It depends what you are going for. A 1070 would be too much videocard at 1080p for most people. But then most people don't want spend more than they need to and most people have 60hz monitors. So a 1060 would be all they need. Most people decide what resolution and framerate they want, such as 1080p 60fps, then figure out the best videocard option for that need. You seem to have decided on the videocard first for some reason. No mention of games you play, resolution you want to run, or framerate you wanted. Just "been searching for GTX 1070 then I decided to get one"


Mar 26, 2017
Well,i want to play Witcher3,Doom,Fallout4,Rainbow six siege,dota2,overwatch,star wars battlefront,Eu4,black ops3 and some games like arma dayz rust h1z1

I just want to run these games easily at 1920x1080p and atleast medium settings and when i searched for GTX 1070 i saw that i can easily run these games with this card.that is what i meant.


not you

May 14, 2015
For 1080p and thoes games the gtx 1060 is more than enough for ultra-high xD
I have played most of thoes games on the gtx 970 and they all run maxed or close to maxed and the 1060 is better (not by a lot but better) than the 970 ;P