SW that hides files when i connect to another PC


Aug 27, 2016
Is there a Software that can hide some of my files when i connect my HDD to a computer that isnt mine
Is this available? or is there any way i can do this . I am learning programming so scripting is not an issue for me.
i take my HDD to school a lot and theres some stuff that i dont want my friends snooping around on, but i need to store it on that HDD
There might be one way -
1. Write a Python script using PyCrypto Package to encrypt your files. Look here - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16761458/how-to-aes-encrypt-decrypt-files-using-python-pycrypto-in-an-openssl-compatible
2. Set up that script to run on your computer on startup, so it will keep scanning for the USB input.
3. You'll have to write a text file or something like that and store it on your HDD so that your script searches HDD and knows it has to decrypt stuff if that specific file is found.
4. Initially you have to detect the device in the script and find the files, decrypt them so that you can read them and then again encrypt them as you close them. You can use Subprocess module to run those files in other...


Apr 1, 2014
There might be one way -
1. Write a Python script using PyCrypto Package to encrypt your files. Look here - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16761458/how-to-aes-encrypt-decrypt-files-using-python-pycrypto-in-an-openssl-compatible
2. Set up that script to run on your computer on startup, so it will keep scanning for the USB input.
3. You'll have to write a text file or something like that and store it on your HDD so that your script searches HDD and knows it has to decrypt stuff if that specific file is found.
4. Initially you have to detect the device in the script and find the files, decrypt them so that you can read them and then again encrypt them as you close them. You can use Subprocess module to run those files in other applications.
5. others won't have the script your PC has, hence they won't be able to detect and decrypt the files.

Hope this helps!