Can a GTX980 and a 1080ti exist withot driver issues. Multi monitor Non SLI Gaming


Apr 18, 2017
Hi, I basically have 4 monitors atm but wish to add another two as a minimum.

I only game now and then on one monitor and would not try or bother SLI. I mainly multitask multimedia, graphics and monitoring etc.

Will they both coexist without driver problems or anything else?

DonzLockz Yes, the two GPUs can coexist. I previously had two GTX 980 Ti's and one GTX 1060 6 GB in the same rig. At one point I would game off the 1060 and use the 980 TI's for GPU rendering and folding. The only byproduct that I experienced was that my computer would take longer to boot with the two types of GPUs installed. I never found a solution but since I don't reboot often, I wasn't deeply motivated to solve that minor issue.


Feb 4, 2017
As far as I understand, they technically could, but I don't know why you would. Unless you were trying to use PhysX (which either card is pretty potent, and I don't get why you'd dedicate a 980 to PhysX) It would be more or less a situation of, they're running along with eachother, but not really. The way SLI works is that two of the same model, brand and clock NVidia GPUs converge their algorithms in sync with one another to provide increased performance, and even then, you'll often deal with lag spikes due to unsynced information and misclocks. I would imagine the issue is only worsened with two different model, clock and even architecture difference. Maxwell and Pascal are two different things, and while they're still based on the relative same performance.. it would be a hell of a time to try.

TL;DR- Maybe, but it's a pain I'd guess.


Apr 18, 2017

I think the both of you are over thinking the question which was could 6 monitors ove who video cards coexist without driver issues. Both seem to answer the question in the first line but query the reasoning why.

The reason why ist that everyone is different and has different needs for a computer. I said non SLI so dont why that tangents was made. I did say multimonitor for mulstimedia, graphics and monitoring. I am pleased the answers are however pretty much answered but I did also say I play on one monitor...wehn I do play which is minimal..

I am using 4 monitors now. I use one dedicated for live IP base CCTV viewing. My monitor on the left has all diagnostics for my local machine as I generally fold most of the time and it also monitors my wan link speeds live. My RH screen with my main screen usually look after Premeire an Photoshop. or other combinations but I want 2 more, one for open browsers and the other with you tube playing while im working as background company. I also teamviewer often into local and remote PC's so do really need 6 monitors, maybe a bit OTT but thats how I roll! :)

Thanks for answering the questionseven though electricity usage or selling my old 980 or PhysX was not asked about nor was why would someone everer want to do that. Sorry sfor sounding sarcastic, it's not...just a constructive reply! :)
DonzLockz Yes, the two GPUs can coexist. I previously had two GTX 980 Ti's and one GTX 1060 6 GB in the same rig. At one point I would game off the 1060 and use the 980 TI's for GPU rendering and folding. The only byproduct that I experienced was that my computer would take longer to boot with the two types of GPUs installed. I never found a solution but since I don't reboot often, I wasn't deeply motivated to solve that minor issue.


Apr 18, 2017

Perfect, thank you! Exactly what I was after ad id be doing similar tasks! :) Yes, because I fold/render when im not doing much or AFK, I also dont need to boot up often so thnx again. Cheers!