Routing specific Applications (on windows) through different Ethernet ports?


Jun 27, 2015
On my "network connections" window I see that VMs and VPNs can route traffic through different apps. How would make my own Ethernet port and route my internet through these Ethernet ports?
You need 2 different networks to even think to do this. It can be 2 different internet connections or maybe a internet and a different local lan.

The most common way is with the ROUTE command. There really is no easy way to make it select a interface based on a application. There is a older program called forcebindip. It tends to have lots of issues pretty much every time microsoft patches stuff. I think they got it working for win10 again Some virus scan software identifies it as malware also. The largest issue is it sometime just stops working and you have to restart it.

In general unless you have 2 internet connection you will not need this. If at all possible use the ROUTE command that is a fundamental things that is...
You need 2 different networks to even think to do this. It can be 2 different internet connections or maybe a internet and a different local lan.

The most common way is with the ROUTE command. There really is no easy way to make it select a interface based on a application. There is a older program called forcebindip. It tends to have lots of issues pretty much every time microsoft patches stuff. I think they got it working for win10 again Some virus scan software identifies it as malware also. The largest issue is it sometime just stops working and you have to restart it.

In general unless you have 2 internet connection you will not need this. If at all possible use the ROUTE command that is a fundamental things that is part of the OS itself.