Is it possible to re-solder headphones wires if I ripped the connections

Morad Tamer

Apr 21, 2016
So I was cleaning my headphones now and while I was tiring to open them I ripped the wires and more over I also pull apart the little sort of PCB that was holding the soldering pads/connection and to get it even worse because I am clumsy I dropped it (it is really tiny not more than 3 or 4 mm wide) and lost it
So is it possible to solder the wires back if I know their places directly on the driver?
They are not the most expensive in-ear headphones but they mean a lot for me since they were a gift from my father
Any ideas are appreciated and thanks a lot

Morad Tamer

Apr 21, 2016

Well my theory is that the PCB terminates to something in the driver
So I try to find contact points with roughly 32 Ohms of risistance