Galaxy J36V / General phone "overheat" problem


Feb 24, 2017
Unsure of how it is triggered, phone constantly after about 3 minutes of use will shut down any app I am in and claim "your phone is overheating"

And if I let it stay on for a while bit more it will force itself to shutdown. Which is all really annoying considering it ISN'T overheating. The battery feels just fine on the outside, the screen feels just fine, I'm not running any resource intensive apps, etc. Yet it gives me this

Using some generic battery app it claims the battery is "discharging" and the temperature of it is "90 Degrees C"

So my question

1 - If there some sort of "registry" like in Windows where I could change something so that it ignores the temperature or disables the phone from shutting down apps / shutting itself off?

2 - Is there a way to replace the tempature sensor? If not I have to get a new phone... right? . _.