100% disk usage windows 10 after fresh install


May 7, 2017
A couple of weeks ago i felt my pc was lagging and i loaded the task manager. Then i saw a 100% use of disk. I though that probably it was caused becaus i had a lot of files, and then i decided to copy the imprescindible in a external disk and do a fresh install, but before i could copy the files again on the pc, the disk continues showing a 100% usage. I dont know where the problem could be. I try to use HD Tune, but it says thath the disk is healthy, and now i'm totaly lost.

Frankly it's somewhat difficult to understand your precise problem let alone provide you with a practical solution.

I'm assuming you've reviewed all the programs on your drive and culled the unnecessary ones. And, of course, determined there's no malware involved here.

But is the following viable?
Since you've indicated you've copied the "imprescindible" (important?, essential? indispensable?) data to an external drive, would it be practical for you to "start over" (as it were) and reinstall the OS onto your boot drive and then copy the data/programs back to the newly installed OS? Of course that would mean installing all the programs and that could be a onerous task. So this may not be a practical solution to your problem.