how to install hdd in new haf 932 case?


Mar 8, 2014
hi, all the guides i've seen online for the 932 seem to be using an older model. the hdd racks in my 2017 case have only one initial latch to pull them out, and the washers are absolute garbage that can't handle the slightest pressure without falling out.

i can provide pictures if needed, but i'm on my phone right now because, obviously, my pc is out if comission. my other (5 year old seagate barracuda, predictably) hard drive is crashing and burning and hardly fit for even brief use, and it's already unplugged. i'm hoping someone on this forum has experience with the new model i'm taking about.

the "screws" and washers that keep the hard drive in place are tiny meral (plastic?) pin-like things that have a thick layer of rubber washers between them. they are held in an 8-shaped set of holes that are connected; one large enough to fit the washer in if it falls out, the other small enough to """"securely"""" hold it in place once it is slid back in.

except it doesn't securely hold the washers in place, the open space between the holes is too large and it allows for the screw and washer to bend out at the slightest amount of pressure, making it impossible to slide my WD black to slide in. and they won't pop in when they're aligned either, for whatever reason, so i can't just wiggle and push them in when then fall out or get misaligned.

does anyone have experiences with this specific model? or techniques? i really don't want to wait until CM restocks their old drive bays and then for it to ship to be able to use my computer, and i don't want to pay for someone else to install just my little hard drive either. am i missing something?

EDIT: put electrical tape along the outside of the screws so they'd stay in place, hdd finally slid into the case without all the screws falling out. will this cause a ventilation issue?


Mar 8, 2014
yes, it does, but that didn't work, as the pins kept falling out. i finally put electrical tape around the pins, pushed it in, forced it back out, and removed the electrical tape. finally the pins stayed, but my wd black makes this horrible grinding noise and i rma'd it. i know some people say it's normal but honestly, i've heard people with silent drives have the most success. i'm honestly thinking of just going with an ssd, but i have a z87 g45 mb. no idea if it supports any type of ssd.