Macbook Air Mid 2013 SSD vs Samsung EVO 850 (R/W Speed)

Happy Crayfish

Jul 1, 2015
I'm wondering which SSD would win when it comes to reading and writing data from/to the SSD.

Here's the specs of my Macbook Air in case the on provided in the title isn't enough to know which SSD it has :


I'm wondering this because my Macbook Air actually seems to copy and paste data a lot, and I mean A LOT faster than my Samsung Evo 850 does.

The Samsung copies and paste 1gb in maybe 20 seconds while the Macbook Air does the same task in half the time or less.

Usually enabled by default, but

What I was getting at is that there may be a difference in the ways that the OS report that the operation is "done" - sent to the buffer vs written entirely to the drive. There may not, I don't know.
The Macbook is probably caching to RAM, then moving stuff over to the SSD. Windows does this too if enabled, but it may wait for the file transfer to be entirely flushed to disk before it says that it's done. TLC drives like the 850 Evo also slow down with large writes as the drive's internal cache is overwhelmed as well.

Happy Crayfish

Jul 1, 2015

I guess that kinda makes sense, how would I go about enabling caching to ram on windows?

The air uses a pcie ssd. Much faster than what a sata ssd can do.

Usually enabled by default, but

What I was getting at is that there may be a difference in the ways that the OS report that the operation is "done" - sent to the buffer vs written entirely to the drive. There may not, I don't know.