Budget 4k rig for WoW:Legion, feedback/help/discussion appreciated.


May 9, 2013
Hey guys, I'm looking for feedback & assistance in picking parts for my new rig which i am building solely to play world of warcraft: legion, at 40-60fps@4k/ultra10 on a budget.

I played wow from vanilla to wod and am familiar with the engine, however have only researched legion as i have no rig to test with currently.

I'm not looking for the "nah bro gtx 1080 SLI or gtfo" "lol its not 4k ultra/10 if EVERYTHING isnt 10"
but rather, intelligent answers that know how stuff works and why - or atleast has experience with it themselves. I'm hoping that together we can bring wow @4k ultra10 to the people out there who want to get max performance for their cash.

This is the rig that i've come up with so far:

CPU: G4560 @3.5Ghz
CPU: gtx1060 - 3gb is enough for 1080p ultra, but will i need 6gb for 4k ultra?
RAM: Crucial Ballistix sport ddr4 2400MHz 8gb - i will get a 2nd of these eventually.
Motherboard: Looking for a b250 mobo with just what i need and nothing else.
PSU: Evga 430w possibly? The rig wont draw more than what, 300 at max. Might find a better fit.
Storage: I'll probably get a samsung 850 evo 256gb or something similar, as i really cant imagine going back to a hd after upgrading to ssd over 5 years ago

What I'd like to know is:
- What's the most suitable motherboard and psu?
- Do you, speaking from experience and knowledge, think that this rig will meet my requirements?
- If not, please, help me understand why, and what i will need instead
- Will the gtx 1060 3gb be enough, or should i get the 6gb for 4k wow? and why?
- Will the g4560 @ 3.5Ghz bottleneck wow @ 4k ultra? I'm not sure how the correlation between ultra settings/4k and cpu/gpu requirements work.

I feel as if alot of people will say this sounds impossible as they dont really understand the wow engine, but i believe that with the right settings lowered, it can be done - to name a few: AA, Shadow quality, water quality, view distance, and anything else that is negligible to the immersion but affects performance.

We all know that wow is cpu bound to the primary core, which is why i see no reason to upgrade to an i5/i7, and since the g4560 has 2cores+ht it's basically an i3 for half the price. I'd be willing to consider another processor if the difference in clock speed makes a big difference, but i've been having a hard time figuring out whether or not it does.

Peripherals wont be required. I have a 55" 4k uhd tv that i will be using as my monitor.

Thank you for reading, let's try to bring 4k ultra10 wow to the plebs out there :D


Legion ultra is quite a bit more demanding than WoD was. Legion 7 is WoD ultra. You are not going to get 4k ultra with that setup. Also that PSU is a low quality HEC built unit that has no business being in a gaming rig. Corsair CX450m would be a better fit, for the setup listed, quality wise. I remember 1440p ultra, with a 4ghz 3570k and a GTX 1070, I still had to turn a couple things down, for a friend's rig. View distance to 7 and shadows on low helped a good deal. A GTX 1060 would give you great 1080p performance, but 4k is not going to happen. My 6700k @4.5ghz, and a GTX 980 does 1080p ultra, but same settings turned down. My GTX 980 is roughly equal to a GTX 1060 6gb. 4k you are going to want a 1080ti, and a 7600k/7700k. 4k gaming and budget build simply do not belong in the same sentence.


May 9, 2013

Thanks for the feedback. Good catch on the PSU - i didnt research it at all. I know that legion 7 is wod ultra and that legion10 is demanding. However, 1080ti is way way waaaay overkill. There's several videos, benchmarks included, of gtx 1070 in legion 4k 10, doing perfectly fine. So gtx 1070 is more than fine, which brings me to gtx 1060 - if we were to turn down some of the more demanding settings, turn of cmaa and whatnot that isnt required at 4k anyway - would we get near ultra10@4k?

CPU wise, we know that wow is bound by the primary core, and utilizes a few cores for small tasks, but more than anything needs the fastest single core possible. One youtuber shows a gtx 1070 coupled with an i3 6100 playing at 4k10. The i3 6100 is close to a g4560, making for an ever more interesting case for the budget 4k10 wow rig.
Sure you'll have FPS drops in cities and raids - but you will with most setups that arent overclocked and extremely pricey.
