What framerate should I be getting?


May 9, 2017
Whenever I try to run a game I can never seem to get above a constant 30 fps (on a good day). For example, when I was playing the RS2 open beta last week I was running lowest graphics and could still not get above 30 (and obviously the graphics weren't great either). My question is, is this due to a problem with my PC that I can fix, or will I have to invest in better hardware for better performance?


Windows 10 64-bit
GTX 1050 2gb graphics card
Intel i5-6500 3.2ghz Quad Core CPU
16gb RAM

You are plugged into the 1050s video out ports & not the motherboards ???

The 1050 is a medium setting card at best but you should be getting above 30fps on 90% of titles.

Rs2 is a beta so you shouldn't go by that as a result.
You are plugged into the 1050s video out ports & not the motherboards ???

The 1050 is a medium setting card at best but you should be getting above 30fps on 90% of titles.

Rs2 is a beta so you shouldn't go by that as a result.