Which to upgrade first? GPU or CPU?


May 29, 2017
Hello everyone,

I have recently gotten a 4K monitor to play my games in and it looks really good! However, I've noticed that my GPU usage has been hitting the max with the higher settings placed on all my games. I understand that since there are more pixels to render the GPU needs to do more work and therefore the percentage gets higher.

Which brings me to my question. In my case, would it help to upgrade my CPU or GPU first? I currently have a Geforce GTX 1080 GPU and an I5-4690 CPU. Maybe not so much upgrade my GPU but to get the same 1080 so that I can use the SLI function. I would probably upgrade my CPU to an I7.

Thanks for the help in advance, it will really help me out with this dilemma.
I would recommend you to sell your gtx 1080 and buy gtx 1080Ti as SLI will not work in every game.
I5 4690 will not bottleneck any GPU @ 60FPS 4K