Daisy Chain and Bandwith Control


May 3, 2011
Router #1 - DHCP enabled
does not have "bandwidth control" option or decent QoS capability.
Router #2 - Daisy chained by Ethernet; No DHCP enabled;
has bandwidth capability.
Question: If bandwidth control enabled (for IP's) in 2nd router will it be effective to any IP addresses passing through that router?
My intention is to control bandwidth of users connected to 2nd router.
I noticed that some functions such as wlan traffic monitoring is not effective on 2nd router but is effective on main router. Could that also be the case with the bandwidth control.
Pretty much you are going to have to move all functionality to the second router and use the first one pretty much as a modem. If you can actually make it only a modem that would be optimum.

The problem with the way you propose to run it as the traffic on the second router is running as a AP I suspect. Traffic must pass the lan/wan function of the router to be able to apply most function. Not sure why this restriction exists but it is how almost every consumer router does. Partially it is because the lan-lan traffic only passes the switching chip and that chip has no ability to limit traffic.
Pretty much you are going to have to move all functionality to the second router and use the first one pretty much as a modem. If you can actually make it only a modem that would be optimum.

The problem with the way you propose to run it as the traffic on the second router is running as a AP I suspect. Traffic must pass the lan/wan function of the router to be able to apply most function. Not sure why this restriction exists but it is how almost every consumer router does. Partially it is because the lan-lan traffic only passes the switching chip and that chip has no ability to limit traffic.