These came out windows 98 Desktops Help

You got some good history there. :D

What you have there are 4x PATA HDDs, 2x PATA ODDs and i can't make out the middle drive in HDD pile. Middle one seems to be FDD since it doesn't have standard molex for power but smaller molex connector for power, while still having PATA connector for data.

My ancient Pentium II 266 Mhz PC from 1998 uses PATA drives and has Win98SE as an OS. I still got it in working conditions.

I doubt that you get the HDDs running even if they work since you're missing jumpers on all HDDs. Jumpers on old PATA drives are needed to determinate if the drive should be master drive (e.g OS drive) or slave drive (e.g data drive). Also, you can't connect two master drives to a single PATA (aka IDE) cable if you want to...


You got some good history there. :D

What you have there are 4x PATA HDDs, 2x PATA ODDs and i can't make out the middle drive in HDD pile. Middle one seems to be FDD since it doesn't have standard molex for power but smaller molex connector for power, while still having PATA connector for data.

My ancient Pentium II 266 Mhz PC from 1998 uses PATA drives and has Win98SE as an OS. I still got it in working conditions.

I doubt that you get the HDDs running even if they work since you're missing jumpers on all HDDs. Jumpers on old PATA drives are needed to determinate if the drive should be master drive (e.g OS drive) or slave drive (e.g data drive). Also, you can't connect two master drives to a single PATA (aka IDE) cable if you want to get both working at the same time.

Though, you can try to get them working. You'll need PATA to SATA adapter for each drive,



That's true.
The two PATA HDDs that i have in my Pentium II system are 4.6 GB (OS drive) and 6.2 GB (data drive).

For that little amount of storage space, it isn't worth the trouble to get them running on more modern system.
When you need extra storage space, only 50 bucks can bring you modern 1TB data drive,