Approximate selling guide price required please



What sort of prices would you ask for gaming machines based around the i7 4770k chip or the i7 4790k chip combined with a good quality gaming mother board matching the chip, new gaming case,Samsung 250 SSD along with GTX 980 or GTX 980 Ti and of course a gaming quality power supply unit so that would mean Corsair type brand or similar as a minimum

I'm just looking for a general very rough and approximate guide price as I need to put these up for sale, I'm based in the UK btw

Thanks in advance


For selling PC and it's components, price reduction would be 30% to 50% off from brand new prices. Also, don't take the brand new price you bought it for but the current price for that component as brand new.

If you'd give the full system specs for us, we can tell how much the PC would be worth (in GBP) on 2nd hand market.


Hey there, thanks very much, I'll do that, I've got a little bit of a hobby, I sort of accumulated quite good bits and bobs about a year ago with the intention of upgrading, tinkering, and generally making a nice rig, so I started to buy new bits and pieces but due to time commitments I just left everything for about six months/year and now suddenly everythings changed, it's like I'm suddenly left with antiques which after not long ago were yesterdays latest bits of kit if you know what I mean and I need to try to just sell them at a realistic and reasonable price but am not sure how much they've depreciated so will post the specs and hopefully someone could give guidance, thanks very much