How to make 30 FPS feel smoother?


Oct 31, 2016
Hello everyone!
I just got my new laptop. It has GTX 1050, 8 GB RAM and i7 7700HQ processor.
As you might expect, it struggles to gain FPS above 50 on most of the modern games, on medium to high quality.
Thats why I decided to lock the frames at 30 and set graphics to high (On games like Witcher 3 and GTA 5)
It was so choppy and stuttery that it was almost unplayble.
I have played GTA 5 on PS3 before. And I know that the FPS in PS3 even drop below 30 often.
And yet, I did not feel the choppiness or stutters. On the other hands, on my laptop, it feels horrible!
It feels that way especially when I move the mouse. For example, if I am standing still in Witcher 3, there's people around me, some animals and also the trees which move. And they seem fine. As soon as I move the mouse though or even if I just press the left or right so that the character moves and makes the camera move, it feels choppy.
I have seen gameplays of Uncharted 4 for PS4 and it looked so smooth!
I always thought that it was 60 FPS but then I came across a post and came to know that its actually 30 FPS. It was unbelievable.
What are some of the ways through which I could make the games feel smoother with FPS ranging between 30 and 40?
Would using an HDMI cable to connect the display to a smart TV help?
P.S - I know that using a controller can make a difference. I just want to make sure I try all the methods.

Thank you!
Either live with tearing or with stutters...

One thing we overlooked,make sure your laptop is not in power saving or balanced mode,go to the windows control panel, power options and edit the profile that is in use with change plan settings -> change advanced power settings and put it in high performance.

If all else fails you could also try to fiddle with the threads since that's the main cause of the stutters.
How to make GTA V run smoother
witcher 3


Things you can do are:

1. Lower the settings further. 99 percentile frames make the game look choppy even when the frame rate is OK/good. Lowering setting further will help eliminate/minimize these frames.

2. Use Vsync (which it sounds like you are).

3. Enable motion blurr (something consoles frequently do to hide the choppiness)

4. Try to find settings that you can vsync at 60HZ/FPS

5. Make sure installed games are on your SSD if you have one.

Beyond those tips I can't say I have much more for you. When On PC 60hz/FPS gaming is always what I aim for unless a game is designed for 30hz/fps like Dead Rising 3. For what ever reason I rarely find 30hz/fps gaming acceptable on PC for exactly the reasons you mentioned. It is never as smooth as console IMHO.


Oct 31, 2016

I turned off vsync and set a framelimiter of 45 in RTSS...
but there's still tearing!
what should I do?

Either live with tearing or with stutters...

One thing we overlooked,make sure your laptop is not in power saving or balanced mode,go to the windows control panel, power options and edit the profile that is in use with change plan settings -> change advanced power settings and put it in high performance.

If all else fails you could also try to fiddle with the threads since that's the main cause of the stutters.
How to make GTA V run smoother
witcher 3