Is my CPU supposed to be at %99 usage?


Jun 5, 2017
I downloaded MSI Afterburner to see my stats about my PC then i started to play GTA 5 Then i seen my CPU AT %99 And My GPU was at %70 and lower and my game kept stuttering and i was wondering do my GPU suppose to be at %99 Percent also? Am i being bottlenecked? And also should i buy a new Processor?

My Specs: Intel Pentium G3240
Geforce GTX 1050TI
Surprisingly, yes. That game is heavily demanding on CPU, so I guess it shouldn't be a surprise. Single player or multiplayer?

Btw, you worded your title wrong. It gave the impression the GPU was at 99% usage.


May 14, 2017
Before changing parts on your computer you should use a program like HWMonitor to monitor the temperatures when you are gaming . and see why or when the stuttering appears ...


no, if the cpu is at 99 and gpu is at 70, that is by definition a cpu bottleneck

your gpu is stornger than your cpu

gta v asks more cpu than gpu

to reduce stuter in this case or you lower some settings or you upgrade cpu

it is better to buy a g4560, 2 cores old pentium is not enough, the 2 cores and 4 threads in the g4560 is what you need here

Logic bomb... so your solution is to reduce load on the gpu that is already underperfoming so that the CPU that is already hitting max usage get's used even more?
If anything raise settings to make the GPU bottleneck so that the CPU has to work less.


if you push harder the gpu, the cpu will also be hit, if you believe that the gpu will suddenly do all, you will have a surprise there, i can guarantee you this on gta v, lower settings like textures, the population density, distance scale, population variety, the grass quality, shadows and reflections in particular will help with a slow cpu, disable any texture filtering enabled,

also keep a resolution around 1280x720 or lower will help here, alot, until the 2 cores wonder is replaced for a more cores, faster cores cpu

It depends on the settings. Most graphically demanding games, lowering settings will only increase a CPU bottleneck, as it increases the FPS the GPU can handle, while the CPU can't. Textures, and other graphical settings won't help lower CPU usage. However, population density, distance scaling, and some other similar settings can reduce CPU usage.

Anyways, in most CPU bottlenecked cases, raising settings won't lower FPS, and increase your image quality, while reducing settings will only reduce image quality without increases FPS. GTA V is one of the few games with some CPU sensitive settings, so you aren't entirely wrong there, though textures won't do a thing.

There are some exceptions, which I did mention, but for most games, graphical settings make 0 difference in CPU usage for the same settings used. They do have a huge impact on what your GPU can use.

The exceptions are things based on the CPU, which include object counts (clipping range, number of objects, number of light sources, etc.), some times physics settings can use the CPU (including PhysX) and in older games, sometimes shadow quality can, but that is mostly related to light sources, which some games might tie together. Of course most of those aren't actually graphical settings, but object, physics, and sometimes AI things.

Like I said, in GTA V, there are some exceptions, but the majority of games, graphical settings doesn't reduce CPU overhead.

Note: Texture settings do crap to reduce CPU overhead, but that doesn't mean GPU's lacking the necessary VRAM won't benefit from lowering it, which might be why you think it helped reduce a CPU bottleneck, which was actually a VRAM bottleneck.