AMD FX 6300 + GTX 1050 ti - What should I upgrade my CPU to?


Jul 4, 2017
I currently have an FX 6300 processor and a GTX 1050 ti GPU. I was wondering what would be the best CPU to upgrade to. I'm not sure if I should switch to Intel and get a new motherboard or just stick to AMD. I just feel like my computer is a bit sluggish sometimes and maybe a new CPU would be better. The full specs of my PC are here If anyone has any ideas of better CPU's please comment. I'm thinking of something in the range of $150-$200.

I'd have purchased another motherboard if I had been build an FX-6300 rig years ago, but...


You could see better fruition by going with a G4560+B250 chipset motherboard which should be within 200 USD but you're also going to need new ram.

I can't suggest a higher TDP processor for your system nor an overclock since the board you're working with lacks the adequate power delivery/heatsinks for cooling.


I wouldn't place any faith in that power supply. If you're going to do an upgrade, I highly suggest getting a higher quality PSU while you're at it.

RAM is pretty expensive right now, with a $200 budget, you'd lose almost half of it to RAM, motherboards aren't cheap either, and the G4560 is around $75 right now.

Could you scrounge up more money by selling your current rig except the gpu and hard drive? Even an extra $50 into that budget will likely go a long way. Bumping up the budget to $300 will make this way easier.

On a really tight budget like yours, I'd probably get a used i7 920 + X58 motherboard combo on ebay for about $170-200, reuse your old RAM and HDD, and get a Seasonic M12II PSU. And then get a CPU cooler with whatever budget is left and overclock the i7 920.

Or better yet, an old Nehalem Xeon like the W3540 (essentially an i7 940) and a used X58 motherboard and a new PSU. Those CPU's are like $5 on ebay right now. They also overclock pretty well. I got mine to 4ghz~ish from its 2.93 base clock on bus speed alone. Pretty beastly, but I don't know if that's truly an upgrade, or whether it's more of a side-grade.

TL;DR Best solution is to save up more money or come up with more money. Money talks, eh?


Good point. I guess it depends on what OP finds more important.

I don't think the old Intel's actually would be faster at all.
At stock they're plain slower , overclocked yes but then you could overclock the 6300 way past what they could manage.

You need a new psu - that unit is a danger to your system!!

A better motherboard , an aftermarket cooler ,a new psu - thats within budget .
The fx 6300 is in no way a slow CPU when run on the right board at the right speed .

I think your issue is that skanky old low quality MSI board mainly.


Jul 4, 2017

I actually just ordered this PSU.
I'm pretty sure that this is a good one but if not please tell me. I still have the opportunity to cancel the order if you guys don't agree with the EVGA PSU.



Jul 4, 2017

Okay so instead of completely getting a new CPU I should keep it but just get a different motherboard? What would be a good motherboard to pair with the fx 6300?


Curmudgeon Pursuivant

I'd have purchased another motherboard if I had been build an FX-6300 rig years ago, but it's hard to justify putting any more money into this platform today. Save until you can make a significant upgrade.


Jul 4, 2017

I didn't choose this motherboard. This was a prebuilt system
The PSU you selected appears to be a good choice, lots of good reviews on it. As for a different motherboard, it is hard to recommend "upgrading" a platform that has reached the end of it's life with the new AMD Ryzens being released earlier this year. You could use AMD Overdrive to give your 6300 an overclock with the current motherboard, and see how stable it is, provided you are using an aftermarket CPU cooler, and not the stock cpu cooler that came with the 6300.

I am using a 10 year old Zalman, but they still make this similar style. It blows air from right to left in my picture, so it doesn't really cool the VRM's on the motherboard, but I do have a front intake fan and a rear exhaust fan in my rig.



Curmudgeon Pursuivant

Yes, but the fact remains that you have it already and spending money for a second motherboard that has little marginal value to your PC just doesn't make much sense.