Can't remove GPU - GPU covering its own PCI slot


Jul 23, 2006
Hey all,

So I've run into this issue where my GPU is pretty wide and covers its own PCI slot and it almost even touches the motherboard. This isn't a problem right this moment, but it doesn't present a future issue: I can't teach the latch for the PCI slot to remove the card, even with a screwdriver. Any ideas on this? I know I can just pull it straight out and dislodge the latch, but I risk damaging the slot and/or the card itself. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!
I know it sounds like a silly question, but you did take off the screw that's fixing it to the case right? As for reaching the latch, screwdrivers are way too unwieldy. First get your computer shut off and unplugged, then try with a pair of pincers. If you have any ladies in the household, raiding their bathroom cabinet may do the trick. They'll have sometimes very thin and pointy tips that with a strategically placed mirror can help you get under, latch onto the tab and pull it down a bit to help the card pop out. Someone with smaller hands also might help if you have someone around who is careful enough to try. Otherwise you have to unplug everything and take out your whole mobo to get to it more easily.


I know it sounds like a silly question, but you did take off the screw that's fixing it to the case right? As for reaching the latch, screwdrivers are way too unwieldy. First get your computer shut off and unplugged, then try with a pair of pincers. If you have any ladies in the household, raiding their bathroom cabinet may do the trick. They'll have sometimes very thin and pointy tips that with a strategically placed mirror can help you get under, latch onto the tab and pull it down a bit to help the card pop out. Someone with smaller hands also might help if you have someone around who is careful enough to try. Otherwise you have to unplug everything and take out your whole mobo to get to it more easily.
Make room if need be (remove cpu cooler or waterblock if need be), so that you've clear horizontal access to the PCIe slot's latch. Use a lean, but strong piece of metal, thinner screwdriver, hex key, allen wrench, etc. If you can't access the card from it's side (unlikely), then do so from it's end, gently.

Edit: as Sedivy mentions, use a mirror or another's help or even remove the mobo if need be, though it shouldn't be necessary. Just be gentle/patient, unhinge the latch, & you'll find removing your gpu without breaking anything isn't nearly as difficult as you think it is.