Wolfenstein The New Colossus system requirements?

Well Wolfenstein the new order did not even have proper sli support , so I would not bet on the new game having it or at least a good implementation of it, not very many new games do nowadays. The ID tech engine wolfenstein uses has trouble with sli from my understanding. However you can likely max it out or come close with a single 1080 at 1920x1080 60fps, but no system requirements have been posted for that game yet so I am not sure.


You should be able to if/when a SLI profile is created. SLI at release may be better, worse or the same at a single GPU. One would think even a single GTX 1080 should be able to run it @1080P on the highest settings but we'll need to wait for Bethesda to release the PC requirements.


Well Wolfenstein the new order did not even have proper sli support , so I would not bet on the new game having it or at least a good implementation of it, not very many new games do nowadays. The ID tech engine wolfenstein uses has trouble with sli from my understanding. However you can likely max it out or come close with a single 1080 at 1920x1080 60fps, but no system requirements have been posted for that game yet so I am not sure.
It uses the same id Tech 6 engine as Doom does.
No, not Doom from 1993.
The 2016 Doom game.
If you can max that out then you will probably be able to max Wolfenstein II.

Although a game using the same engine can have hugely different requirements it should run similar to Doom on your computer.
The answer: No one can say for certain unless you work for id software. But I would expect, yes, you'll be able to max that game.
First, I certainly hope you are putting those SLI GTX 1080s to use at 1080p with a 144-165Hz G-sync monitor. Regarding the game, which I plan on getting, nobody knows what the SLI support will be. What we do know is that it's built on id Software's Tech6 engine (OpenGL), which is the successor to Tech5 (Doom used an early variant of Tech6, more like Tech5.5). So the best indicator is to see how well Doom supports SLI.

You might get an answer on Bethesda's forums. https://bethesda.net/community/

In any event, SLI sucks now unless you are looking at 4K:


Actually it's a newer engine version as I posted above. From what I've read, it's just more light ray tracing and other mods to improve graphics.


Sep 22, 2016

Doom was optimized for Vulkan/GTX 1080.

Hopefully Wolfenstein II has Vulkan support.


Oct 27, 2017

Wolfenstein 2 is nothing to a single GTX1080. A single GTX1080 will draw close to 150FPS in max setting at 1440p 165hz. That’s what I use right now.