Should I sell my RX480?


Jul 27, 2015
I bought an rx 480 some month ago when it was cheap, and now with the whole crypto thing I'm wondering if I should sell it at a higher price (someone offered me 390 dollars for it I payed 290 when I got it), so that I can make a profit xD.
The problem is, will gpu prices eventually go down? Because I will need to buy it back (at it's original price), since I cant stay without a gpu lul.
Unfortunately, I cant really buy an nvidia gpu because I have a freesync monitor. :(
So should I sell it and wait until prices drop? Or just don't bother?
sry for my english.
Its already crashing, so if you can sell it for a profit now then do so, wont be long before youll be able to buy another one cheap used.
Since there is no way to know when the prices will go down for those models, there is no way to know how long you will not have a card. Or just sell yours and get a lower model like an RX 560 which are about $100-120 on Newegg now. You are basically getting a free card.