can I upgrading my laptop for 100 BUCKS??


Jul 26, 2017
Hello guys,I want to get some help for my friend laptop and the question is,can I upgrade his laptop for 100$ bucks?His laptop is a HP elitebook 8540p,so can I install a Quadro K1000M in his laptop (25$-30$),plus a i5–3230 m or a i5–2520 m (wich would be compatible) (the two for 50-55$) would this be a good update?Or you guys propose me something else?Like another GPU or CPU?Plus will a SDD + the gpu mentionned will more worth it?And will it this upgrade would be botttlenecked?Finally,would it be make a better fps difference with this upgrade?Thanks to respond in advance,sorry for my bad English
So your answer is no and no

If you had an 8540w, then there is 4 video cards you can change it out to, since you have the 8540p the bios is only designed to work with what you got.

Your CPU is a first generation i5, the cpus you listed are 2nd and 3rd generation cpus so those are incompatible.
Since you are looking to upgrade CPU then you must have a 35w tdp (probably i5 520M or 540M), so the 35w "i7"s that are compatible with your board are still 2 core 4 thread CPUs so besides a minor boost in clock speed you will get no improvement making both the cost and the risk much more than the reward.

Laptops are not standardized, on the off-chance you even have a socketed CPU, options even on super expensive gaming laptops are...
If the goal is gaming. Tell your friend to save the money. It'll just be wasting $100. Gaming performance would still be horrible. That is a very old and low end workstation GPU. Assuming that laptop allows GPU upgrades (most don't). It is not good for gaming.

Your friend can make due with old games. There are thousands of fun 2D side scroller. There are also plenty of fun 3D games from the early 2000s your friend can play.

For general usage. Upgrading to 8GB RAM and an SSD. Will make the computer feel much faster.


Jul 26, 2017
I already upgrade the ram up to 8gb,and I only want to work with games such as GTA 4,I can run it ok well with AA and ENB at 600p WITH PATCH,but I want to go above 30 fps + with 900p and make it work with newer patch too,so my goal is GTA 4
So your answer is no and no

If you had an 8540w, then there is 4 video cards you can change it out to, since you have the 8540p the bios is only designed to work with what you got.

Your CPU is a first generation i5, the cpus you listed are 2nd and 3rd generation cpus so those are incompatible.
Since you are looking to upgrade CPU then you must have a 35w tdp (probably i5 520M or 540M), so the 35w "i7"s that are compatible with your board are still 2 core 4 thread CPUs so besides a minor boost in clock speed you will get no improvement making both the cost and the risk much more than the reward.

Laptops are not standardized, on the off-chance you even have a socketed CPU, options even on super expensive gaming laptops are quite limited, the same goes for GPUs.
Bottom line, if you want upgradeability then get a Desktop.