1080p 144hz vs 1440p 60hz?

Pranav Venkatesh

Jun 22, 2014
Im planning to get a Ryzen 5 + GTX 1070. Should I upgrade to 1440p or go for 144hz 1080p? I've seen many threads with different answers. Will be playing all types of games(Predominantly FPS and 3rd person campaigns,sports) And where does Ultrawide fit in here?
I'd argue ryzen isn't 'ideally' suited to 144htz screens .
Even overclocked , on current AAA titles you'll be sitting around the 90-100fps mark.

For me , I've with 10tacle on this one .
I'll take the higher resolution every time , there are some good 1440p 75htz screens about which are are a great in between compromise IMO.

A ryzen 5, 1070 & 1440p 75htz is to me an absolutely ideal pairing.

The ultrawides ??
Personally I love the UWS format, play dirt rally, dirt 4 , project cars etc in ultra wide & its a totally immersive experience , the extra viewing area at he sides is incredible, vice versa fps games, titanfall 2 works amazingly in uws, BF1 is absolutely stunning

The issues

1. Not every game supports ultra wide natively...
One of the most common questions asked, but a good one. I've done both, but stuck with 60Hz 1440p. It depends on your eyes and preference. I do not think that the sacrifice of lower resolution but better smoother mouse gameplay in shooters is worth the sacrifice. I sure prefer higher resolution in racing games to see better track and traffic draw distance detail.

If you are young and have really REALLY good eyes, you may appreciate 144Hz and 1080p better in FPS and 3rd person RPGs. Many older gamers like me (over 40) prefer higher resolution to a faster monitor Hz/FPS matchup. Especially when we're talking over 60FPS. But there's only one way to be sure: try both setups.
I'd argue ryzen isn't 'ideally' suited to 144htz screens .
Even overclocked , on current AAA titles you'll be sitting around the 90-100fps mark.

For me , I've with 10tacle on this one .
I'll take the higher resolution every time , there are some good 1440p 75htz screens about which are are a great in between compromise IMO.

A ryzen 5, 1070 & 1440p 75htz is to me an absolutely ideal pairing.

The ultrawides ??
Personally I love the UWS format, play dirt rally, dirt 4 , project cars etc in ultra wide & its a totally immersive experience , the extra viewing area at he sides is incredible, vice versa fps games, titanfall 2 works amazingly in uws, BF1 is absolutely stunning

The issues

1. Not every game supports ultra wide natively .most new titles do to some standard or another , some better than others.
Manual fixes are possible for the majority of other older titles.

2. Resolution , 2 resolutions available
2560 x 1080
3440 x 1440

A 1070 is going to struggle a little at 3440 x 1440 at the end of the day , you'll be lowering settings on the majority of newer titles to max out a 60-75mhz refresh rate.
If you go 2560 x 1080 you will have no issue whatsoever , it'll crush games at that resolution.

3. Monitor size
A 25 inch uws has the same vertical height as a 20.5 inch 16:9 monitor
A 29 inch uws has the same vertical height as a 24 inch 16:9 monitor.
You absolutely do not want a uws smaller than 29 inch & that's a lot of desk space required.


WAF on YouTube covers jut about everything on ultawide gaming & has reviews on 100's of games based entirely on the ultra wide aspect of the games.