Keyboard press registers but wont type.


Mar 29, 2017
Hi, im having an issue with my keyboard, my "Å" (Swedish Layout) on the keyboard wont work unless shift is held which makes it caps. Unless shift is held it just wont type the "Å". The keypress does however register on keyboard tester.

I tried pressing "Num lock first then caps lock and lastly scroll lock" during the preboot process and just pressed a bunch of random keys untill the welcome screen showed. Thereafter the "Å" works without shift for like 30 seconds but stops right after a program starts (I hear the windows sound for a program starting).

I tried watching taskmanager to see what program it is that starts and stops the keypress from working properly but its to cluttered.

What the F@!" is this stupid problem and how do I fix it?

Thanks in advance :)