Port forwarding not working


Jul 27, 2017
DISCLAIMER: I am new to this website, don't know if this is too simple.

Soo, I have an old i7-3770 PC and wanna use it as a 24/7 running server. I watched some tutorials 'n Stuff and got to work.

First i went into the networking settings and changed my network IPv4 adress to be fixed, so my 192.168.x.xxx Number is always constant. Then i entered the router settings by entering the default gateway in Chrome, disabled Port filtering, Made a No-IP Account and got a DDNS IP. Now, both my Network and Public Adress are constant for people who want to connect to my server (I used Minecraft to test, had an old server still in my Files). I got into the port Forwarding Options and Opened Ports 25565-25565 for my constant IP (192.168.x.xxx), checked TCP+UDP and restarted my router. I entered the Windows advanced Firewall settings and set two rules for inbound and Outbound, opening Port 25565 for both UDP and TCP completely Public without any Authentication required.

So, this is as it stands.

To make it short for once, It just doesnt work. It just doesnt. Canyouseeme.com cant see my opened Port, I can join the server with my local ip but nobody can join with my DDNS IP...

Did i forget something? disabling the firewall did nothing
I'd be surprised if anyone can help me.