Does this ram go with this motherboard?

Reise Martin

Sep 22, 2014

Thanks. Also I bought a case darkbase pro 800 and the back io part is bent inwards I bent it back out slightly but its still bent should I return the case or is that not an issue ?
If the IO shield of your motherboard still fits and if you're using any case fans at the rear, they fit fine, and your power supply is screwing in and well-settled, then don't bother returning it. Just make sure the bend is not affecting any other component, and if it is, you should return it only then.

Reise Martin

Sep 22, 2014

Thankyou I was unaware of that its very helpful information. Even though I read you could do that I didnt really know what it ment until now I appreciate the help.
QVL's are not an end-all source, though. Just because a RAM kit isn't in a QVL does not mean that the RAM is not supported by the motherboard. It only means that the manufacturer did not test the RAM kit in question with the motherboard in question. So don't hesitate buying a kit not listed in the QVL - if it's compatible, it'll still work just fine.