Which is better for playing AAA titles at 1440p (40Hz, maybe), An Rx 580 or a GTX 1060?


Nov 28, 2016
Hey people, I was wondering whether I should get a GTX 1060, or an Rx 580 8GB. I would mainly be using it for 1080p gaming, but would like it to be able to handle games at 1440p as well (most possibly at 40Hz). Thanks for your assistance!

More VRAM really only comes into play at higher definitions. At 1080p, you will probably never need more than 6gb of VRAM. So the additional 2gb of VRAM on the 580 will just sit there idle and not be used. If you want to play at higher definitions, then it may come into play. But those cards will be...
Both are similar in performance, though the 580 might be a bit faster on average in some newer games. It also has higher power requirements though, needing close to 100 watts extra under full load. More importantly though, the 580s are in short supply due to cryptocurrency miners buying them up, so their price has gone way up in recent months, and they now tend to cost far more than what they did at launch, making them not really worth considering unless you can find them priced more reasonably somewhere. The cost of 1060s hasn't gone up nearly as much, so you can probably find them priced much lower, making them arguably the better option at this time.

They are very similar in performance. I would buy whichever is cheaper as both are overpriced due to mining.

The major difference that you will see is dx 12 performance vs dx 11. The 580 will perform better than the 1060 in dx12 where the 1060 will perform better than the 580 in dx11. Just about every game runs on dx11 or older, newer games run on dx 12, but still can run on dx11.

In the end, get the cheaper card and enjoy.
Cards are very similar, neither of them are really for 1440p gaming though, they are for playing 1080p at max settings.
To play at 1440p you will have to turn settings down a bit.

If you use adobe creative suite software (photoshop, lightroom, aftereffects, illustrator, etc) or if you do video editing, 3d modeling, etc, then you to get NVIDIA card as most content creation software can utilize CUDA cores in NVIDIA hardware.

If using only for gaming then it is a pretty dead even comparison in real world performance.


Nov 28, 2016
Well, as most of you guys suggested, I should probably consider the price. But I can find a reasonably priced RX 580 currently, and I think it really comes down to the VRAM, since both the cards are similarly priced in my region. So, would the extra 2GB of VRAM on the 580 really make an impact on the performance, and if so, how much? Also, I also noticed a higher bandwidth in the 580. Would that affect the performance as well?


Aug 10, 2016
In simple both are similar but Rx 580 is one of the high end series of previous generation which would ooze out more performance at peak levels if needed. Little bit more of VRAM and other things would give an advantage over GTX 1060. If you are going after 1060 I would suggest you to go higher than that.

More VRAM really only comes into play at higher definitions. At 1080p, you will probably never need more than 6gb of VRAM. So the additional 2gb of VRAM on the 580 will just sit there idle and not be used. If you want to play at higher definitions, then it may come into play. But those cards will be limited in other areas at 1440p and higher so the 580 will still not perform very well even if it has an additional 2gb of VRAM.

Really comes down to the price like stated before the performance difference lies on avg around 3% in favor of the 580 which means they will play the same games on the same settings with most likely 1-2fps difference on avg.