can i plug thunderbolt-3 external drive to usb-c port and expect it to be running ?

andi okem

Jun 2, 2013
As in the title , does anyone has any experience about it ? can i just plug tb3 hdd to usb-c since they're phisically the same ? or it won't work without the motherboard have a thunderbolt header. Thanks.
I will crawl out on the "proverbial limb" and say no.


Physically the same does not mean that the standards involved will be workable.

Hopefully the standards will be backward compatible. So a device rated to perform at newer standards will end up working via older/slower standards.

Unless the motherboard can be made to support USB-c, one way or another, then your TB3 HDD will either not work or not work at the expected performance level.


I will crawl out on the "proverbial limb" and say no.


Physically the same does not mean that the standards involved will be workable.

Hopefully the standards will be backward compatible. So a device rated to perform at newer standards will end up working via older/slower standards.

Unless the motherboard can be made to support USB-c, one way or another, then your TB3 HDD will either not work or not work at the expected performance level.



Intel and Mac want to confuse users, and they did a very good job :)
Thunderbolt 3 and USB-C are not the same in protocol but they are using the same physical connection. therefore thunderbolt 3 devices WON'T run in USB-C port