What's the sweetspot frame rate for G-SYNC on a 144 Hz monitor?

ARVB Rocky

Apr 25, 2014
I was looking into buying a new 1440p - 144 Hz GSYNC monitor and I was wondering if it would be worth it at all. I don't really know if GSYNC would be any good if I were to run a game at say 60-90 FPS. I have a GTX 1080 and a Ryzen 7 1700. So I'm not really sure if running lower frame rates would benefit from gsync.
The adaptive sync will be good if your system can't run at 144hz at the settings you want. With your CPU and video card you should be able to hit 144 at 1440 resolution though, so if you like the monitor, and you want to get the higher refresh rates, it is worth it. But "worth it" really depends on you. For me, I do not see much difference between my 60hz monitor and my son's 144hz, the extra cost is not worth it to me.
The adaptive sync will be good if your system can't run at 144hz at the settings you want. With your CPU and video card you should be able to hit 144 at 1440 resolution though, so if you like the monitor, and you want to get the higher refresh rates, it is worth it. But "worth it" really depends on you. For me, I do not see much difference between my 60hz monitor and my son's 144hz, the extra cost is not worth it to me.