can a high volume damage my harddrive?


Jan 7, 2017
So recently i found out everytime i use my laptop speaker (dell) in 100% the right side vibrates and the harddrive is also in there. Since people say about what happens that damage your harddrive. Since i can feel the right side vibrating in a loud volume, came to my mind if its ok and no harm would the harddrive get?
Hdds spin, creating their own vibrations, so use some pretty decent dampening to kill as much of that as possible. I doubt a laptop speaker can create more than the dampers can handle. Usually it's the sudden stop after you drop the laptop that's going to damage a hdd. You should be ok.


Hdds spin, creating their own vibrations, so use some pretty decent dampening to kill as much of that as possible. I doubt a laptop speaker can create more than the dampers can handle. Usually it's the sudden stop after you drop the laptop that's going to damage a hdd. You should be ok.

PC Tailor

As Karadjgne said, you'll likely be fine. HDDs are much more vibration resistant than often given credit for. Often laptop HDDs are also even more vibration resistant, as they are made to be that way, due to the laptops configuration, and the fact that the laptops are made to be mobile, and therefore likely vibrating / moving frequently.

Unless you get a sudden drop you should be fine. Sudden jolts are the greater concern than continuous vibration.
This will not affect your HDD lifespan more than random damage during production/shipping. If that your biggest worry then it will outlast any other part in your laptop. HDD can last you a decade, with median near 4 years.
you can check HDD model and how much 'warranty' it has. 1/3/5 years -> average lifespan is close to 3/5/8 years.
Biggest threat for HDD is 'sudden movement' AND only while working.

Offline: Automobile crash (100 km/h into wall) 100+ G
modern hard drives are able to withstand about 60+ G while operating.