How much should I overclock my gtx 1060


Sep 8, 2017
I'm getting a gigabyte g1 gtx 1060 3gb and want to know what I should overclock it to on mid afterburner and I need it to be safe since I've never overclocked before
I have a GTX 1060 6GB and I have played with overclocking a ton, and let me save you some time, cause it's not worth it.

The amount of performance I can eek out vs stock is so low that it really ins't worth it. If you are still wanting to overclock though, this is my advice.

1. Overclock the vram as high as it can go, once you see artifiacting, lower by about 50-100mhz
2. Bump up the core clock by 50mhz+ and that's it. Extra effort doesn't really provide better performance.

Just to tell you how "useless" the overclock is, I generally play games 50% of the time on stock and don't notice a difference.
It depends on what games you are playing. Overclocking is trial and error and is not the same for everyone. If you never done it, I would suggest watching some videos on YouTube. JayzTwoCents has some great tutorials.

And honestly, if you don't see nothing wrong with the stock performance, overclocking isn't really necessary.
I have a GTX 1060 6GB and I have played with overclocking a ton, and let me save you some time, cause it's not worth it.

The amount of performance I can eek out vs stock is so low that it really ins't worth it. If you are still wanting to overclock though, this is my advice.

1. Overclock the vram as high as it can go, once you see artifiacting, lower by about 50-100mhz
2. Bump up the core clock by 50mhz+ and that's it. Extra effort doesn't really provide better performance.

Just to tell you how "useless" the overclock is, I generally play games 50% of the time on stock and don't notice a difference.


Sep 8, 2017
Just asking wats artifiacting? Also I expect my gpu to last around 3yrs and even if I have to turn my graphics down to medium or high after 2yrs I don't mind considering how good games are starting to look even on low graphics.

When you start to see artifacts, that means that your GPU is probably overheating and just sending gibberish to your screen. It's almost like seeing a glitch. If you are ok with low settings, I honestly don't think overclocking is truly necessary.


Sep 8, 2017
