Ethernet In My Room?

No One_1

Aug 2, 2017
ive been thinking of moving my computer to my room instead of in the basement but i still want to play wired. i would put the router in my room since id be able to but my brother also uses an ethernet cable and its hard to explain why i cant really move anything. i doubt my parents would run an ethernet cable through the walls and ceiling or whatever is needed to be done for that. ive heard of a powerline ethernet adapter but i dont think the internet speed will be anywhere near as good as with a router. anyone have a solution that will provide the strongest internet connection?
How fast is your internet connection. The newer av2-1200 or faster models can get in the 150mbps range and work in most houses. If your internet connection is less than that it won't matter.

Even if your internet connection is faster you have to really look at how often you really run that fast. In most cases the only thing that runs at the full internet speed is the speedtest site. Almost all other things have limitation some artificial that prevent you from using the full bandwidth. Many of he download sites have artificial limits to prevent a small number of users that have gigabit connection from overloading their data center.

You need to really examine what you do and see if the speed powerline provides will be...
How fast is your internet connection. The newer av2-1200 or faster models can get in the 150mbps range and work in most houses. If your internet connection is less than that it won't matter.

Even if your internet connection is faster you have to really look at how often you really run that fast. In most cases the only thing that runs at the full internet speed is the speedtest site. Almost all other things have limitation some artificial that prevent you from using the full bandwidth. Many of he download sites have artificial limits to prevent a small number of users that have gigabit connection from overloading their data center.

You need to really examine what you do and see if the speed powerline provides will be enough. Huge numbers of people would love to get anywhere close to a 100mbps internet connection.