New GPU to replace old one?


Aug 1, 2017
So after months of trying to get my new card replaced the seller finally did the proper tests and sent me a refund on my card which was plagued with ridiculous coil whine. Now I need a new card and am after suggestions. My old (coil whiney) card was a Gigabyte G1 1080 and I was told after buying it that they are known to have a lot of coil whine in the G1 series. Now I was wondering if you guys know of any makes and cards that are known to usually ship without coil whine and are genuinely reliable ( I know it is completely luck of the draw but i know there is some info out there saying some makes are more prone to CW than others). My budget is £500 and would like either a 1080 or 1070 (if decent). Thanks guys!