What should I upgrade to up my game?


Oct 10, 2017
I got a small PC to do some games and school things. But my games have been running at low fps with low quality. I have a intel core i5-4570 quad core with 2.9GHz. I have around 8 gigs of ram and an intel graphics 4600. I normally play rocket league and a few fps games. I want to run them at a good quality with at least 60-90 fps. What should I mainly look into upgrading? Ram and graphics? Any other questions for my PC parts, I'll try to answer. Thank you ^-^

BTW by small pc I mean like this one:https://www.staples.ca/en/Lenovo-ThinkCentre-M58p-Refurbished-SFF-Desktop-Intel-Core-2-Duo-E8400-30/product_2363971_2-CA_1_20001?kpid=2363971&cid=PS:SBD:GS:n:n:SBD:58:21800&cvosrc=PLA.google-CA.Laptop&DesktopComputers&cvo_cid=434947696&cvo_crid=85571402056&prof=58&camp=46886&affcode=pg256520&kct=google&kchid=5118821699&cid=85571402056&networkType=search&kdv=c&kpid=2363971&kmc=10327878&criteriaid=aud-159507809056:pla-325507474244&adgroupid=22894334896&campaignid=434947696&locphy=9000636&adpos=1o3&url=http://clickserve.dartsearch.net/link/click?lid=92700011701767255&gclid=CjwKCAjw3_HOBRBaEiwAvLBbojOp7ol1KuC8Bw7dgOfYYWtSC7dZm7yeOtKTMrHrHxpmixSGOHxmGhoCCBoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
I would say to upgrade your GPU (Graphics card, or graphics processing unit). If your system has a case like the one in the photo, depending on your budget, you may be able to upgrade your GPU to a decent one, such as the Nvidia GTX 1050 (This will run almost any modern game at high settings, pretty well.) If you could post the model of your system (if it wasn't custom), or tell me your budget, I could recommend a few decent cards which should be able to improve your system's game performance significantly. Hope this helps!


Jan 1, 2017
I would say to upgrade your GPU (Graphics card, or graphics processing unit). If your system has a case like the one in the photo, depending on your budget, you may be able to upgrade your GPU to a decent one, such as the Nvidia GTX 1050 (This will run almost any modern game at high settings, pretty well.) If you could post the model of your system (if it wasn't custom), or tell me your budget, I could recommend a few decent cards which should be able to improve your system's game performance significantly. Hope this helps!