Lost data on a Seagate 1TB hard drive


Jan 10, 2016
I was using my hard drive as storage as I am currently ripping my DVDs using Handbrake. I turned on my computer and It was very slow. It was stuck on the motherboard start up screen for a solid 20 seconds even though my OS's are on SSD's. I checked on windows explorer and my drive was not there. I went into disk management and it says it is not initialised. I went onto diskpart and It shows me that it has 0B free. I have no idea what to do. I need to get back all the files and would prefer to do it myself.

Thank you in advance

This is a link of the CMD

This is a link of the disk management

Yes it's a Linux utility, there is a rescue disk you make and boot from that runs to clone a suspected drive. It re-tries...
You may have a failed disk there, the best way to work with it to ensure you don't do something to lose data is to use a ddrescue disk and run the program to clone the drive onto another one, then work with the clone since you need to try to recover the partition. If it's taking a long time to boot with the disk, that points to something more physical than a logical partition or file system error, which is harder to work with if not impossible without trying a new system board of the exact same type. Even a new board may not work.


Jan 10, 2016

Would you say the hard drive is dead then? DDrescue is linux correct?

Yes it's a Linux utility, there is a rescue disk you make and boot from that runs to clone a suspected drive. It re-tries failed areas several times and can take a long time to run. Days.