Adobe Photoshop CS6 won't complete installation

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Oct 25, 2017
I've had Photoshop CS6 on my laptop (Windows 10) for about two years. Worked great. I now have a new laptop (Windows 10 also) and cannot install Ps CS6 on this new one. Photoshop is the app I use most, so this is important. I just got an Asus ROG gaming computer because it has lots of power for working with my photos. It's loaded. So power is not a problem here.

I have searched the interest for all kinds of tips for this problem. So I have re-downloaded the software again from Adobe, in case there was a problem with the saved software. I have also tried to install it in Safe Mode, and I've set up and new user and tried to install. Neither worked. There are two files to use to install (.exe and .7z). When I start the install with the .exe file, it goes through unpacking all the files, gets 100%, then quits and the window closes. Then nothing, nada. No error messages. I've done this over and over again.

I will add that all my other Adobe software loaded perfect (Lightroom, Bridge, Illustrator, Dreamweaver). I even downloaded a new Adobe Application Manager.

Any help would be appreciated.

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