Ethernet slower than Wi-Fi


Nov 4, 2017
Hello,I've recently had problems with my ethernet. My computer can´t connect to the wi-fi, so i've connected it via ethernet. The problem is the follwing when I test the spped of the internet . I get around 0.39-0.60 mpbs , and on my phone which is obviously connected by wi-f i get 50 mbps. Can someone help me figure out what is causing this issue ?

Best Regards,
Ricardo Ferreira
I am assuming your using a laptop.
when is the last time you ACTUALLY pressed "shutdown" and not the power button on your laptop? and properly shut it down and started up.
too many laptops out there go to sleep, comes back from sleep and power setting set to maximum savings to be able to run a laptop for 4 hours without having to plug it in.

1. shutdown laptop properly, and reboot.
2. set power setting top savings if you like but change the wifi to not be "turned/managed" so it stays on all the time.